
Think Digi­tal – Archi­tek­tur Aktuell

Since 2011 I am writing a regu­lar columns in the bilin­gual archi­tec­ture jour­nal Archi­tek­tur Aktu­ell. In more than 50 arti­cles until present, I analy­zed the nature of the digi­tal vs the analo­gue, elabo­ra­ting on examp­les of digi­tal thin­king in a pre-digi­tal age, digi­tally execu­ted projects with strong atmo­s­phe­ric quali­ties or projects deve­lo­ping strong concepts at the inter­face of the Analo­gue and Digi­tal Produc­tion.

AA394/395: Para­metri­cal Thin­king, analo­gous: Antoni Gaudi
AA396: 1:1 Scale Digi­tal Design & Fabri­ca­tion – DigDesFab12
AA397: ACADIA 2012 Confe­rence in San Fran­cisco
AA398: Digi­tal Design and Fabri­ca­tion Tech­no­lo­gies in Energy Design
AA399: Inter­ac­tive Sound Scape
AA400/401: Digi­tal Wood Tech­no­logy
AA402: Smart 3D Print Tech­no­logy
AA403: Digi­tal Tech­no­logy in Buil­ding for Multi-Genera­ti­ons and Senior Living
AA404: Inte­gra­ted Digi­tal Design and Fabri­ca­tion Work­flows
AA405: Space Syntax and the Analy­sis of Urban Grids
AA406/407: Düzce Tekno­park Campus
AA408: Heading Towards 3D Prin­ted Rooms
AA409: The First 3D Prin­ted Room
AA410: Contem­porary Educa­tion in Digi­tal Design Proces­ses
AA411: Para­metric Design Princi­ples, in history
AA412/413: “Robo­tic Infil­tra­ti­ons” Rese­arch Pavi­lion
AA414: ICD/ITKE Rese­arch Pavi­lion in Stutt­gart
AA415: Block Rese­arch Group at ETH Zürich
AA416: A “digi­tal design view” on Andrea Palla­dio
AA417: The Air-Shade Project
AA418/419: ACADIA2014: Recent Rese­arch in Digi­tal Archi­tec­ture Tech­no­logy
AA420: Complex Stereo­tomy – On the rele­vance of histo­ric Trulli construc­tion
AA421: “Poly­mer Folding Scapes” – Archi­tec­ture Chal­lenge 2014 Rese­arch Pavi­lion
AA422: Digi­tal Design Thin­king: One-Family-Home Exten­sion in Leopolds­dorf
AA423: Complex Context: Living in Neustift am Walde
AA424/425: Re:Building Commu­nity: the Under­wood Pavil­lon
AA426: Digi­tal Sculp­t­ing
AA427: Kine­tic Archi­tec­tu­ral Design
AA428: Dome­nig Stein­haus Revi­si­ted
AA429: 3D Prin­ting Goes Full Scale
AA430/431: Digi­tal Design Rese­arch: CGC Sympo­sium at the TU Vienna
AA432:„noHOME“ Pavi­lion – how does it feel to be homeless ?
AA433: Santua­rio Monte Grisa: paral­lels contem­porary digi­tal design thin­king princi­ples
AA434: Bio INFORMED – Biolo­gi­cally inspi­red compu­ta­tio­nal stra­te­gies
AA435: Zaha
AA436/437: New MIBA Head­quar­ters – para­metric timber tech­no­logy
AA438: HANDS ON. Confe­rence – Enhan­cing digi­tal archi­tec­tu­ral design educa­tion
AA439: DAS TÖPPERPORTAL – Wellen aus Stahl
AA440: The Sequen­tial Roof
AA441: Jet d’Eau Mova­ble Bridge in Geneva
AA442/443: Ange­wandte Archi­tec­ture Chal­lenge 2016 “Robo­tic Contou­ring”
AA444: A glim­pse into the future: 3D Prin­ting for struc­tu­ral compon­ents
AA445: Brion Grab­stätte – Carlo Scarpa und digi­tale Entwurfs­prin­zi­pien
AA447: The Tree Fork Truss – Nature & Digi­tal Tech­no­logy
AA448/449: A Highly Inno­va­tive Double Laye­red Timber Shell
AA450: The Archi­me­dean Pavi­lion
AA451: Taichung Opera House
AA454/455: CASTon­CAST – A New Inno­va­tive Concrete Casting System
AA459: Robo­tic Built Reali­ties – House 4178: The Future of Buil­ding ?
AA462: Digi­tal Muqar­nas – A contem­porary digi­tal orna­men­ta­tion approach ?
AA465: Punc­tual Urban Rede­ve­lo­p­ment in Infor­mal Urban Contexts
AA470: ICD Aggre­gate Pavi­lion 2018 – Buil­ding with Arti­fi­cial Snow
AA471: ARACHNE – 3D Prin­ted Facade
AA10/21: Ein 3D Holz­puz­zle verbin­det Wohn- und Arbeits­wel­ten

AUTHOR Andrei Gheorghe

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